A few more maps that had customization requirements...

Below: A custom map of the Sunshine Coast (South) with latitudinal and longitudinal graticule and converted UTM coordinates used in the RCMP's Sechelt office by their dispatchers.
TrailMapps: Tourism Squamish Visitors Brochure

Below: At 4 feet wide and 7 feet high, this custom project is one of the largest maps I have worked on. The map was on display in a Squamish run shop called Sound Runner and highlighted popular running events and a few other notable routes found within the Sea to Sky corridor.
TrailMapps: Tourism Squamish Visitors Brochure

Below: Though this map is featured in the Retail section of the website, I wanted to show it in its uncropped form.
TrailMapps: Tourism Squamish Visitors Brochure

Below: While working at BHA I created this guest poster of the recently expanded MWHS terrain. Nothing terribly unique about it beyond the run checklist, I just like the terrain and the layout.
TrailMapps: Tourism Squamish Visitors Brochure

Cartography and App Development by TrailMapps.com - Maps, Images, and Content are Copyright TrailMapps.com